Why choose Arte Monte bedrooms
The hidden arte monte Bedrooms
In all companies, numbers count, market shares, percentages, points of sale, number of employees, year of birth, average of annual products sold, square meters of factory. But in Doimo Cityline the number that makes us most proud is 10. Because our products are guaranteed for 10 years.
We do all sorts of things!
A range of colours and finishes to suit every demand
Arte Monte bedrooms give everyone the opportunity to choose colors, finishes, details, shapes and combinations with maximum freedom, according to their desires, space availability and aesthetic concepts.

The cushioned guides, the slow-closing hinges, the high thickness of 38 mm of the tops, are just some of the added values that give solidity and total quality to Doimo Cityline products. These technical contents, the result of industrial design research applied to high-tech production processes, are particulars and details designed to guarantee maximum safety and high quality standard levels.